This guide will walk you through troubleshooting common issues that may arise when attempting to configure a smart device to a patient. Are you experiencing any of the following:
Question: My smart device looks to be configured (screen changes from Gold "Ready to configure" to App with buttons) but I'm unable to pair any medical devices?
Answer: This happens when either there was an issue linking the smart device with the patient in the portal or if the "Reminders App" was not opened prior to opening the BlueTooth Pairing App. First ensure that the configuration was successful by navigating to the "Configure Smart Device" page in the portal and confirm that an IMEI number is present under "Smart Device IMEI"
If this is correct then you will have confirmed that the configuration was successful and you can move onto the next step, if not please contact us immediately. If the IMEI is present please open the "Reminders App" on your smart device and select allow for all notifications. When finished navigate back to the "BlueTooth Pairing App" and click on the refresh icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. You will know it worked when the "BlueTooth Pairing App" is asking if you would like to pair a device.
Question: My readings are not syncing with the portal?
Answer: This is usually an indication that the medical device has not paired correctly to the smart device. First ensure that your member has been properly configured to the smart device. Then open the "BlueTooth Pairing App" and pair your device. Feel free to consult the pairing guide for your particular medical device for best results. You will know this step has been completed successfully once you see the device listed in the app. Poor connectivity can also interrupt a reading from syncing with the portal. If you feel this is the case try switching the smart device to use WiFi or place the device near an open window and attempt to take another reading. The smart device should announce when the reading has been transmitted successfully.